Can Teeth Whitening Restore Dark Teeth After a Root Canal?

Can Teeth Whitening Restore Dark Teeth After a Root Canal?

Did you recently have a root canal Blacktown? Have your teeth turned dark after the treatment? This is a common scenario and occurs when your dentist removes the infected pulp. When the infected pulp is removed, blood vessels get ruptured, and the pigments can stain the inside of your tooth, which shows through the enamel. But, thankfully, teeth whitening Blacktown can help you restore your teeth colour.

Traditional Teeth Whitening for Root Canal is Ineffective

For traditional teeth whitening, your dentists will use hydrogen peroxide gels to bleach your teeth. This works on a number of stains such as coffee stains, smoking stains and more. But, it’s ineffective when it comes to the discolouration caused by root canal therapy. Traditional teeth whitening is concerned about extrinsic stains and doesn’t work the best on stains that are present underneath the enamel.

Endodontic Whitening

The study of endodontics deals with everything related to the dental pulp and other soft tissues. During the teeth whitening process, the dentist will access the area where the pulp tissue is removed previously and starts whitening your teeth from the inside out. Sometimes, the process is done along with the root canal treatment, so you don’t have to come again later for teeth whitening Blacktown.

The Procedure

The endodontic teeth whitening procedure involves an initial consultation to discuss your needs and requirements. After the initial meeting, your dentists in Blacktown take X-rays of the affected area to ensure that the current root canal is intact and is safe to proceed. During the procedure, a small hole will be created in the area where your dentist has removed the pulp tissue previously for the root canal. Then your dentist will clean the site and will place a barrier between the sealed root canal and the whitening agent. Before placing the final filling, your dentist will place a liner of calcium hydroxide to disinfect the area and minimise residual oxygen in the area. When this isn’t done properly, the residual oxygen can interfere with the strength of the final filling material. After this, your dentist will then apply the whitening agent and close up the access channel with temporary cement. Then, you will be called for a couple of appointments until you get the desired shade. Finally, your dentist will remove the temporary cement seal and place a permanent composite resin on the outer layers of your tooth.

If you have severe discolouration after the procedure, you may want to look into other cosmetic options such as veneers or crowns. Contact us for more information.



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